Appointment Schedule

Hey everybody!

So our flight went well and we grabbed a late lunch at the Mall of America (and killed some time in DSW). What a difference from when we would first travel to Minneapolis to get listed and all the pre-transplant appointments, even when we turned around to fly to Mn back from Chicago, I was in a wheelchair and the rest of the fam had to carry my stuff and keep me fed just to make it to the destination so I could crash. What a difference a new liver and a year make!

I had my MRCP (liver MRI) before we checked into the hotel. It went well, had some trouble getting the IV in for the dye. That worked out though because I got to see one of the people who just put in IV lines that I got to know from the 5 months after surgery when I was in and out of the hospital.

We will probably find out the results from the scan during my appointments today. We are expecting that I will probably need an ERCP to scope out (haha) whether or not I need stents and place them if needed.

At 8 am (9 best) I will have my ultrasound to check my hepatic artery. Pray that the blood flow is good and that I will be able to get off my blood thinners.

10:30 (11:30 est) I meet with my hepatologist, Dr. Lake (Liver doc)

11 (noon est) Jeremy meets with Dr. Pruett for year check up

11:30 (12:30 best)I meet with Dr. Pruett (insert corny joke about surgeon knowing me inside and out)

We are hoping by the end of the appointments we will know if I need an ERCP. Dr. Freeman normally does those on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, if I need an ERCP it would be great to get it over with tomorrow to get it done and give me the chance to recover and Lord willing, not get an infection afterwards. Thankfully my sinus cold is continuing to improve.

There usually isn’t much internet access on the clinic side of the hospital so we will update when we can but it may not be until after the appointments.

Thanks again, Team Traf, for walking with us and for your encouragement and prayers!

In further news, you now get one size fits all pants with the gown for the MRI! It’s the little things. 😉

FullSizeRenderPirate Pants

Tune-up Tomorrow!

We are at our hotel and settled in. Minnesota is beautiful and the weather was gorgeous today. It’s pretty crazy how far we’ve come from 8 months ago. We went from the airport to the mall to eat and kill time until we could check in. We just keep talking about how God has given us more life on this side than we ever dared to imagine. How far we have come from when we arrived in the end of October and from driving into the city on November 8th for the transplant.

My ERCP is tomorrow at 10 am, check in at 8 am, central time. That’s 11 and 9 am eastern. Thank you all for your support and prayers! Pray for no complications or hospitalizations. And please pray that God will continue to use us in spite of us to bring Him glory and to encourage others. We all have hard in our lives, but we can always find true hope in Christ.

“Therefore we do not lose heart…”
2 Corinthians 4


ERCP and trip to Minnesota

Hey Everybody!

I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, warm weather! Just an update to let you all know my ERCP to get my bile duct stents switched out has been bumped up to this Tuesday, July 1st. Since my labs have been slowly rising we know it’s time to get this done. I have had less energy this week as a result so I am looking forward to my “tune-up”. 🙂 Apparently I do best sticking to the normal schedule of getting them switched every six weeks, now we know.

Mom, Jeremy, and I leave Monday and come back July 4th. Please pray for safe travels and for the procedure to go smoothly, that there will be no complications, and like the last time I will be able to stay out of the hospital. Thank you for praying, thank you for following, thank you for supporting us and for being on Team Traf. Philippians 1:3 comes to mind where Paul says, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” You all and your encouragement to us is evidence of God’s grace to us. Thank you!

As an aside: A gift with all of this is that I get to eat salad/leafy greens and drink green tea for the next few days! I have to drop my blood thinners before my ERCP since my blood can’t be thinned for the procedure. Leafy greens and green tea can work against the blood thinners but since I need my blood to thicken up I can enjoy all the green goodness to my heart’s content. Until Tuesday that is. 🙂 But a gift to enjoy nonetheless! And as a bonus I got to drink my tea in a cup I made in ceramics class.

What are some gifts God has given you this week? Feel free to share in the comments. If there’s enough we could make a word cloud of them to post on the blog. 

Good news!

We have been cleared to leave Minnesota! Yay! Thank you all for praying and being so encouraging. My appointment today went very well. My labs look good, all my liver numbers have come back to where they need to be. There are a couple of stragglers but they’re improving! Dr. Lake basically said in doing great and we will just have to keep these stents going probably until I hit the year mark for the transplant. It’s a small price to pay to be able to live and be healthy.

This means we can make our dear friend’s wedding in Nashville this weekend! 🙂 We actually decided to fly there and then drive the car home to Va from Mn afterwards. Thank you for praying. This is such a huge gift! We will be home soon!

Thanks for being on Team Traf!

ERCP Tomorrow and Update

I realize it’s been a bit too long since our last update. Sorry about that! Better late than never, right? 🙂

I’ll start with what is most recent. Last weekend (Feb. 1) my Papa Traf passed away, it was unexpected to say the least. He had previously had surgeries and cut it close but had been doing better and had actually gotten a clean bill of health and all restrictions lifted maybe about a week prior. Jeremy pointed out how that was in fact a gift, that if Papa’s time on earth was drawing to a close he at least got to finish out getting to be free from labeled restrictions (and that is a huge sense of freedom). It’s hard to have been so close to getting to celebrate Jeremy and I making it through surgery and me getting my health back and the freedom health brings both of us in person; but we are so thankful that he lived to know we made it, recovered, and that I am well once again. He lived to see his prayers answered. Though I would have loved to actually go fishing with him once more as we would often talk about in our emails back and forth; when I was well we were going to go fishing like we used to when I was little.

We had his viewing and funeral this past Thursday and Friday, please keep my Dad and his four sisters, as well as their spouses and all of us grandkids, well the whole family, in your prayers as we continue to mourn and process the loss of Papa. I have faith that in the past couple of years he came to see that Jesus Christ’s atonement for our sin on the cross pays our debt. That all we have to do, all we can do, is to put our trust and life in His hands and accept his sacrifice and payment in our place. He read through the gospels and more after my Grandma Traf passed away a couple of years ago, Mom sent him the book “Heaven” written by Randy Alcorn and he read that too. He told Dad later that he “got it” that “heaven is not the default”. He was right, heaven is not the default; but Christ came to earth to make a way for us. Luke 14:6 says, ‘”Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’

“Jesus came to show us that one way, that one truth, to that one life is Him.”

There is no room left for other options, it’s not mean spirited, in fact it is the opposite; there is only one way and Jesus came to show us that one way, that one truth, to that one life is Him. That is love, that is grace. I wrote some more about this on the post I wrote the night before transplant, so if you have questions please check it out and or ask away in the comments.

Another gift in the midst of losing Papa was that I was able to travel to go to Ohio and celebrate his life. It was my first time traveling since getting to Minnesota for surgery. I came in a wheelchair, hardly able to rally enough energy to be wheeled around and sit on a non-stop flight, my legs and feet would swell even more than usual and I would need a week of laying on the couch to get back enough energy to return to my usual level of wearied exhaustion. This time, we couldn’t get a non-stop flight, I walked, there was no wheelchair, we had delays and flight and terminal changes and all sorts of craziness, we spent 9 hours in O’Hare before finally landing and sleeping in a hotel near the airport by 2 am. The next day we had to get to my aunt’s house and leave in an hour for Papa’s viewing and then had the funeral the next morning. And though I was sad and missing him, physically I was okay. It was and still is weird for me to do a lot and be fine. Part of me keeps waiting for the inevitable crash, except, that crash is no longer inevitable. That is such a gift. I had forgotten what it felt like to go out and do things days in a row, and quite frankly, I wasn’t sure I’d ever experience that again.

This was also the first time the four of us had seen our family since the transplant. It was a weird mix of joy and sorrow. It was good to be together, mourn together, and reminisce together. As hard as that was it was and is evidence of God bringing joy in the midst of pain; that He is good no matter what happens simply because that is who He is. God is good no ifs, ands, or buts, His character does not change with circumstance and that is why we can trust Him.

So again please pray for us all as we continue to process our grief and deal with the logistics to be sorted out as well.

I also have my final (Lord willing) ERCP this Tuesday at 8:45 am central (9:45 am est.) when they are planning on removing my biliary stents instead of replacing them. Pray that goes well and that I don’t get sick after it so we can finish packing up our lovely temporary home here and get back home to Northern Virginia.

To those of you who we got to see Thursday and Friday, both those we knew before and those we didn’t, thank you for coming to share your grief and condolences as well as for telling us how you’ve prayed for us through all this and have gotten to see God answer those prayers. You encouraged us so much. And to all of you who so graciously read this blog and follow our story and have joined Team Traf, thank you. Prayer I think we so often see as the bottom of the list of ways we can help people, but really it is at the top. I firmly believe praying for someone is one of the greatest things you can do for them.

ERCP Tomorrow

Hello everyone! Hope you all having a great start to 2014!

Tomorrow at 7:45, I have an ERCP back at the hospital. We have to be there at 5:45 am central time. So it is at 8:45 eastern. One of my doctors gave me an antibiotic to start tonight and to take after the procedure for the next few days to hopefully avoid infection. He said there is still a chance I’ll be admitted if I develop  a fever/infection like I did last time. They will either remove and replace the stents in my bile ducts (the stent in my hepatic artery is different and permanent) or maybe just remove them. Depends on what they see tomorrow.

I have continued to improve and be able to do more activity, I’ll post some pictures later. Thank you for your prayers!

Also, we wanted to say thanks again to Papa and Grandma for being with us and helping us in so many ways. They just went home, enjoy PA and Florida!  (fam pic below)

Prayer Requests:

  • Easy and effective ERCP tomorrow with no complications
  • No infection or fever and no hospital admission
  • That I would snap out of sedation quickly post procedure (last time it took me two hours in recovery for it to wear off enough for me to go home)
  • Continued rest and recovery for all. This is definitely being answered so thank you!


  • I am feeling and doing the best I have in seven years
  • My liver enzyme levels (blood work) is all normal!
  • We are able to go out and do things as a family!
  • You all on Team Traf  🙂

Family Dinner

Home again!

Hello everybody!

I’m home! I was discharged from the hospital around seven tonight. Thank you for all of your prayers and encouraging words as we dealt with this bump on the path of recovery. The repeated ultrasounds since my angiogram and angioplasty Friday show that the artery is remaining open and has good flow! Huge answer to prayer, please keep praying it stays that way. My doctors have put me on heparin injections and Coumadin (blood thinners), I will stop the heparin once my Coumadin is at the right amount in my body (the good news about the shots are we can do them right where I have a numb section on my abdomen after the transplant=gift!). They also have me on a medication to keep my arteries open, so between all these they are intending to give my arteries an easier time healing. They believe this issue will resolve in time, they think it may be more a spasm than strictly narrowing in that artery, it’s near/where my artery is attached to Jeremy’s and so they are needing time to learn to get along, kind of like siblings. 😉

Another huge gift in all this is and has been the fabulous care we’ve received at the hospital from all the staff. The doctors, nurses, techs, assistants, and the rest of the staff have all been so friendly, knowledgeable, helpful, and encouraging. Even though I don’t love/like getting readmitted it’s always fun to see everyone again. We had different nurses and people swing by to chat during my stay.  As I was getting to leave today I had a couple of nurses I had previously come in to give me a hug and say bye. We plan on going back to visit before we leave and maybe even on some days we just have appointments. I hope they know how thankful we are for them and how much they mean to our family, these people got Jeremy and I through a hard and difficult surgery successfully by God’s grace, gave me my health back, got Jeremy through a hard start to recovery, and went above and beyond to care for our family and see us as people not just patients. If any of you see this from 7A, thank you! You hold a special place in out hearts.

My energy continues to increase, I went on a couple 20-30 minute walks while at the hospital these past couple days. Another huge answer to prayer, I am able to do that because this angiogram with plasty went even better than the previous one in that I do not have the pain that I did before. They went in on my left leg this time and that leg feels as good if not better than my right! Thank you for praying! Jeremy continues to improve, he has been able to cut back on his pain meds some. Pray as his lung continues to heal and he keeps recovering as well.

So to recap and sum up the prayer requests:
-My artery would remain open and the meds get to their appropriate levels
-That my anti-rejection medications would get in the right range, they are having some trouble getting them to stay in range. We are fine tuning them though and getting there! 🙂
-Jeremy’s lung would continue to heal
-Rest and recovery for all of us (Mom and I got pretty good sleep in the hospital! For a hospital of course ;), yet another answer to prayer)

Thank you Team Traf!

Ashley, with love from all the Trafs

Iron Update 2.0/Sleepover

Well, Mom and I are having a sleepover at the hospital tonight. I got some fluids and they helped a bit but we were unable to get the iron tonight. My pulse is still a little high and
I’m still a little lightheaded. This is the quickest way for me to get infused tomorrow instead of having to schedule a slew of appointments. So we REALLY need prayers for a good night sleep; then again moms a pro at this.

Pray that I have no side effects from the iron and that I can get it early tomorrow so we can go home. They don’t have the same form of iron I got at MN, but they have a form I’ve had before but have sometimes had a mild reaction to.

A gift/silver lining from tonight is the new friend I made. The tech we had tonight was precious. She made the night fun and enjoyable. Truly a gift and encouragement for all of us. Thank you, friend. 🙂

And thank you all for the continued prayers and encouragement!

Prayer request!

Hello there! We would love it if you all could pray for us tonight. My iron levels are pretty low and I’m really feeling it. We debated taking me somewhere tonight to get an iron iv infusion but feel we were able to supplements enough to get through the night. Tomorrow (Sunday, so technically today) we will evaluate whether to go somewhere to get infused or wait until Monday when my doc in MN is faxing a prescription/order for me to be infused.

Please pray for:
1. Me to get through night without becoming too lightheaded or weak
2. Good test for all if us tonight and continuing
3. Wisdom in making decisions
4. There would be ease of logistics in getting me infused

Need wisdom and prayer!

Dear friends, we need prayers for wisdom and clarity. We are trying to decide whether or not to go and have me evaluated to be listed at UPMC in Pittsburg next week. We believe, but it’s not certain, that I would be listed after evaluation. The amount of back pain I still have and how it’s zapping my already minimal energy is causing us to weigh if its worth going at the risk of making me feel worse and further messing up my back.

We need to decide today and soon and just aren’t sure what the best decision is. I do know that if we decide we need to go do the three day evaluation that God will provide what I/we need to make it through those marathon days. He always does.

Thank you for praying!